Those Who Served

The individuals below either marched to the Fort Laurens site with General McIntosh on his November 1778 journey, helped construct the fort, served in defense of the fort, were on one of the attempted resupply missions to Fort Laurens from Fort Pitt or were in the party who attacked the fort.

The expedition had a combined force of 1,500 or more participants. In addition to the 1,200 "men at arms" (or troops), not counting their officers, others taking part in the 1778 campaign include a company of North Carolina dragoons, company surgeons, surveyors, pack horse drivers, a small number of women who aided in numerous tasks such as laundresses and nurses, allied Delaware Indians who acted as scouts and guides, and other non-military volunteers.

This information was obtained from the applications submitted to the American government to qualify for a Revolutionary War pension. Some of the pension applications are published here and can be accessed by clicking the name of the individual. Many more are available by contacting us at the Foundation and requesting a copy.

The applications are reproduced as they were actually written. We have not attempted to correct any grammar or misspellings. Only information that is relevant to Fort Laurens is presented. Additional names that appeared in the applications have been printed in bold type. Where possible, we included names of spouses, and places of birth, death dates and marriages. This information is italicized and is located in the last paragraph.

Adkins, Pvt. - Killed in Action

Aldridge, Pvt. John Simpson, 13th VA

Aldridge, Pvt. William, Capt. Brenton's C

Alexander, Lt. Joseph

Alexander, Pvt. William

Allier, Conrad

Amberson, James

Amberson, Maj. William, adjutant to McI

Applegate, Pvt. Garrett (Garret)

Applegate, Robert

Argubright (Argubrite), Jacob, Rockingham Co, VA militia

Armstrong, Henry, VA militia

Ashcraft, Amos, VA militia

Aspley, Sgt. John, light dragoon

Bacon, Pvt. John, 8th PA

Bailey, William, 13th VA

Bar, William 8th Pa/ 13th Va.

Bates, Sgt. Ephraim, VA militia, butcher

Battershell, Pvt. Freeman, 13th VA

Bayard, Lt. Col. Steve, 8th PA

Beall, Capt. Robert, 13th VA

Bedel, Capt. Francis, PA militia

Beeler, Col. Joseph, Washington Co., PA, militia

Beesley, Pvt. Issac, 13th VA

Bell, Capt. Robert, 13th VA

Berry, William, Augusta Co., VA militia

Berwick, James

Bess, Edward,  8th Pa.

Biggs, Capt. Benjamin, 13th VA

Blakeney, Capt. William, PA militia

Blunk/Plunk/Plunck, Andrew, Pvt. 8 Pa

Boatman, William

Bock, Michael, PA

Boggs, Capt. John

Bowen, Michael, 8th Pa

Bowyer, Lt. Col. John, Stephenson's VA Riflemen

Bozorth, Jonathan, 8th Pa.

Bozzell (Boswell), Reuben, VA militia

Bradley, Corp. Thomas, 8th PA

Brady, Capt. Samuel, 8th PA

Brake, John, Indian Spy, Harrison Co., VA

Brake, John, VA militia

Brenton, James

Brenton, Pvt. John, PA militia, brother of Robert Brenton

Brenton, Pvt. Robert, PA militia under Capt. Swearingen

Brittle, Pvt. Thomas - Killed in Action

Broadhead, Col. Daniel, 8th PA

Brown, Pvt. James, Harding Co., VA militia

Brown, John, G   13th Va. Regt.

Brownlee, Joseph,  8th Pa

Bruce, Lt. William, militia

Buchanon, John

Buck, William  8th Pa. Regt.

Bull, Joseph, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Burkam, Stephen

Burkhart, Pvt. Henry, 13th VA

Burrell, Francis, 13th VA

Buzan, Philip  (Harrison’s Co.) 13 Va.

Byan, Pvt. David, 8th PA

Byerly, Jacob, 13th VA

Cailes, John, Stephenson's VA Riflemen

Caldwell, Robert   8th Pa. Regt.

Cambray-Digny, Col. Chevalier de, French engineer

Campbell, Alexander, Independent Rangers

Campbell, Lt. Col. Richard, PA

Canady, Lt. Robert, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Cann, William, VA militia, helped with pack horse for McIntosh

Cantwell, Thomas, Monogalia Militia

Carlile, Pvt. James P., August Co., VA militia

Carnel, David

Carney, Ens. William, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Carroll, David

Carter, Arnold, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Carter, Barnabas, 9th VA

Carter, Nicholas (Moore’s Co.) 13 Va

Carter, William, Greenbriar Co., VA militia

Carty, David

Caseber, Pvt. Jonathan, Youghiogeny Co., VA militia

Caskascus, John, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Casteel, Samual, Pa

Chalmers, Andrew   Pa

Chamberlain, Stout, Pvt., PA Line

Chamberlain, Pvt., Freegift, Washington Co., PA Militia

Chamberlain, Pvt., Stout, Washington Co., PA Militia

Clark, Capt. John, 8th PA

Clark, Ens. John - Killed in Action

Clarke/Clark, John (Pvt.) 8th Pa. (Wounded at Fort Laurens)

Cleaveland, Pvt. William - Killed in Action

Clinkenbeard, Pvt. Isaac, Berkely Co. militia

Clinkenbeard, Pvt., William, Fayette Co., VA militia

Conway, Hugh,  Pa

Conyers, Benjamin

Cook, Capt. Thomas, 8th PA

Coon, Anthony  (Gibson’s Regt.) 13th Va

Cooper, Pvt. Joseph, 8th PA

Cooper, Pvt., Leven 13th VA

Corn, George, 8th PA

Cox, Pvt., Michael, PA Militia

Cravens, Capt. Robert, VA militia

Crawford, William, 13th VA

Critchfield, Pvt. Nathaniel, Col. Evans' VA Reg't.

Critchfield, Pvt. William, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Crithchlow/Cruchlow, James,  PA/VA

Cross, Capt.

Crow, Capt. John

Crownover, Joseph  Va. Regt.

Crownover, William

Cunningham, Lt. Robert, VA militia

Cuppy, John, VA militia

Custard, Jacob, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Davenport, Anthony S., Berkeley Co., VA militia

Davis, Eli

Davis, Pvt. Daniel, VA militia

Davis, Hugh (Gibson’s Regt.) 13th Va.

Davis, Richard (Rebecca), 13th VA

Dawson, James  13th Va. Regt.

Dawson, John   PA

Deck, Michael (Susannah), Rockingham Co., VA militia

Demaree, Pvt., John  VA Militia

Dent, Lt. John, 13th VA

Dey, Pvt., Samuel, Augusta Co., VA militia

Dickerson, Kinser, Washington Co., PA militia

Dickerson, Pvt. Thomas, 8th PA

Dorton, Henry, PA militia

Daugherty, William

Dowden, James, 1st MD Line

Dunlap, Sgt. Andrew - Killed in Action

Dunlavy, Francis, PA militia

Earlywine, Daniel    PA

Elibit, Rueben, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Elkins, James

Elliott, William, director of pack horses

Ellis, Jesse

Ellis, Samual  PA

Embly, John, militia

English, Pvt., William, Ohio County,VA militia

Evans, Col. John, Monongalia Co., VA militia

Evans, Lt. John, Berekely Co., VA militia

Evins, Pvt. Charles - Killed in Action

Eylelr, Pvt. Jonas, 8th PA

Ferguson, William  8th Pa. Regt.

Ferrel, John   PA

Ferrell, Capt. Thomas, Independent Rangers

Finley, Capt. James, VA militia

Finley, Capt. Joseph, 8th PA

Finley, Capt., John, 8th PA

Finley, Pvt., Robert, Frederick Co., VA militia

Foard, Capt., PA militia

Fosbrook, John   (Clark’s Co.) 8th Pa.

Forbes, Hugh,  8th PA

Forbes, Pvt. William, 8th PA

Foreakers, James, Berkeley Co., VA militia

ox, Henry, 13th VA

Fox, John, 13th VA, taken prisoner

Franks, Henry, 8th Pa.

Frederick, Jacob, 13th VA

Gaddis, Thomas, VA militia

Gapen, Pvt. Stephen, Monongalia Co. VA militia-Greene Co., PA militia

Gibbs, William W., VA

Gibson, Col. John, 13th VA, COMMANDER

Gibson, Pvt. William - Killed in Action

Gill, William  VA

Gillum, Jonathan, militia

Goble, Pvt. Caleb, Washington Co., PA militia

Goe, Pvt., John, Fayette Co., PA militia

Golding, William

Graham, Maj. Alexander

Gum, Pvt. Shepard, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Guthrie, Ens. John, 8th PA, adjutant to Broadhead

Haddox, William, Hampshire Co., VA militia

Harbough, Jacob    VA

Hardin, John, 8th PA

Harding, Thomas

Harper, Joseph, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Harris, Pvt., William, Ohio Co., VA militia

Harrison, Lt. Col. Benjamin

Harrison, Maj. William

Haught, Peter, VA militia

Haymaker, Jacob, carpenter supervisor

Hays, Pvt. Timothy - Killed in Action

Hazel, Pvt. Caleb, 9th/13th VA

Heath, William   PA

Henderson, Maj. James, Greenbriar Co., VA militia

Hennen, Matthew  Pa.

Hinds, John, 13 Virginia Regiment

Hinton, James, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Hite, Abram, Hampshire Co., VA militia

Hite, Ens. William, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Hite, Isaac, Hampshire Co., VA militia

Hite, Jacob, Virginia line

Holstone, Pvt. George, 8th PA

Holton, John   8th Pa. Regt.

Horrall, Pvt., William, Amhurst Co., VA militia

Hoskinson, Pvt. Isaiah, Berekeley Co., Va militia

Huffman, Pvt. Henry, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Huston, James,   VA

Jack, Matthew,   PA

Jameson, Sgt. John, 8th PA

Jarrett, Corp. William, 8th PA

Johnson, Capt. Abraham

Johnson, John, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Jolly, Henry, 8th PA

Jones, taken prisoner

Jones, John,   PA

Julien, Isaac,   PA


Lamb, Peter, 8th PA

Lee, Sgt. William, 8th PA

Leet, Maj. Daniel

Lewis, 1st Sgt. John, Washington Co., PA

Lewis, Pvt. Jacob, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Lincoln, Capt. Abraham, Rockingham Co., VA militia, Commissary of Hides (Paternal grandfather of President Abraham Lincoln) - external web link.

Lincoln, Jacob,(Lt)  Va. Militia

Littell, James

Long, Gideon

Long, Pvt. Benjamin, Hampshire Co., VA militia

Low, Nicholas, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Lowe, Pvt. James, 13th VA

Lucas, John, militia

Lyles, Capt. John, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Lynch, Jacob

Kelly/Kelley, James,   VA

Lazer, Hyatt,  VA

Lucas, Abram,    PA

Mahan, Pvt. James, 13th VA

Mallow, George, Ensign, VA militia, assigned to Col. Ben Harrison's Co.

Mallow, Henry, Pvt., VA Militia, assigned to Col. Benjamin Harrison's C

Manby, John

Martin, Pvt. Paul, 8th PA

Masterson, John, Pvt., Washington Co., PA militia

McBride, Stephen, Hampshire Co., VA militia

McClain, Pvt., Abijah, 8th PA Regiment

McCormick, Sgt. William, Independent Rangers

McConnell, John,   PA

McCoy, Alexander, 8th PA

McCrea, Capt. John, VA militia

McCready, Robert, VA militia, adjutant to McIntosh

McCurden, Pvt. Hugh - Killed in Action

McDaniel, Valentine, Westmorland Co., PA militia

McDermont, Joseph, militia

McFarland, Capt.

McGill, James,   PA

McGregor, Pvt. John, 8th PA

McIntosh, Gen. Lachlan

McKeehan, Pvt. David, 8th PA

McKinley, David, 8th PA

McPherson, James,  PA

McQueen, Joshua,   VA

McQuilty, Samuel, Teamster

McWilliams, Pvt. William, Washington Co., PA militia

Miller, Capt. Isaac

Miller, Frederick,   VA

Miller, Henry,   PA

Miller, Pvt. George, 8th PA

Mills, Capt. Benjamin, North Carolina Light Dragoons

Mills, Ens. John, 13th VA

Minter, Capt. John, Yohogania Co.,VA militia

Mitchell, Nathaniel  8th Pa. Regt.

Montgomery, Pvt. Hugh, 13th VA

Moore, Capt. Thomas, 13th VA

Morgan, Able,  PA (Surgeon)

Morgan, Benjamin, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Morgan, Pvt. James, Monogalia Co., VA militia

Morgan, Simon,   VA

Morgan, Zackquill

Morris, James, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Morris, Pvt., Amos, Monongalia Co., VA Militia

Morris, Jonathan,  PA

Morrison, James, 8th PA

Morrow, Col. John, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Murray, Thomas   8th Pa. Regt.

Muse, Pvt. Fauntleroy, PA militia

Musgrove, Pvt. William, 13th VA

Nash, John, 13th VA - Killed in Action

Ogle, Capt. Joseph, militia

Onge, Jacob, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Osburn, Pvt. George, 9th VA - Killed in Action

Orsburne/Osburne/Osborne, Samual,VA

Our/Ours/Ower, Searchman,  VA

Parchment, Peter, 13th VA

Parker, James

Parks, Lt. James, 13th VA, killed on journey to fort site - Killed in Action

Parsons, Capt. James, VA militia

Parsons, Ens. Baldwin, VA militia

Parsons, William   Va. Militia

Pell, William  VA

Phillips/Philips, Pvt, John, 13th VA

Pierce, Capt. Isaac, Stephenson's VA Riflemen

Piles, Zachariah

Pinkerton, Robert, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Polen, William, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Pollock, Lt. Thomas

Prather, Capt. Basil, 8th PA

Prebble/Pribble, Thomas  VA/PA

Purgett, Henry, Hampshire Co., VA militia

Rankin, William  VA

Reed, Joshua

Renkin, Hepkin, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Richards, John

Rinehart, Pvt. David/Daniel, 9th VA

Roberts/Robbarts, Amos   PA

Robins, Obediah

Robinson, Ens. David

Rodgers, Abraham   VA

Rose, Ezekiel

Ross, David "Taff", 13th Virginia Regiment

Row, John PA/VA

Runion, Elija, Shenandoah Co., VA militia

Ryan, John, Hampshire Co., VA militia

Safley, Henry, Augusta Co., VA militia

Sample, Samuel, asst. quartermaster

Sanders, John  VA

Sargent, Richard, Washington Co., PA militia

Schoolcraft, John, spy

Scott, Capt. David, 13th VA

Scott, Maj. George, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Seals, James   PA

Sellers, Pvt. Samuel, 8th PA

Shaffer (Shaefer), Henry, PA & VA      Militias

Shannon, George

Shaw, James (Gibson’s Regt.) 13th Va.

Sheets, George, Augusta Co., VA militia

Shores, Pvt. Greenbury,  VA - Killed in Action

Shuster, Pvt. Martin, 8th PA

Simmons, Pvt. Peter - Killed in Action

Simmons, Pvt. William - Killed in Action

Smith, David   VA

Smith III, Pvt. John, 8th PA - Killed in Action

Smith, Michael   VA

Smith, William   VA

Snowden, David, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Sommerville, Capt. William

Sparks, James    Pa./Va.

Sprigg, Leven  (Harrison’s Co.) 13th Va.

Springer, Jacob  VA

Springer, Capt. Uriah, 13th VA

Springer, Maj. Levi, militia

Squires, Henry, 13th VA

Steel, Capt. David, 13th VA

Stephenson, Col. John, Stephenson's VA Riflemen

Sturges, Miner

Sturges, Peter

Sullivan, Capt. James, VA militia

Swearingen, Capt. Josiah, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Swearingen, Capt. Van, Berkeley Co., VA militia

Taylor, Benjamin   PA

Taylor, John   VA

Taylor, Capt. Samuel - Killed in Action

Taylor, George

Taylor, Henry, VA militia

Taylor, Maj. Richard, 13th VA, (Father of President Zachary Taylor)- external web link.

Tennant, Richard - Drummer, Va Militia

Teter, Lt. (Samuel or George), VA militia

Thompson, Capt. William, VA militia

Thonmpson, Samual  NC/VA

Thompson, John, aka Scare The World, Delaware Indian guide

Thralls, Richard

Troxell, Pvt. Jacob, VA Militia

Troy, Jame, VA

Vance, Lt. Samuel, VA

Vandeventer, Pvt., Barnabas,  VA Militia

Vanmeter, Maj. Joseph

Vernon, Maj. Frederick, 8th Pa., Commander of Ft. Laurens

Villeton/Villiton, Samuel, Pvt., Washington Co., PA militia

Wade, George,   PA/VA

Waggoner, John, VA

Waller, Jesse, VA

Whaley, 1st Sgt. Benjamin, Capt. John Minter's Co., under Col. Stephenson

White, Abraham, militia

White, Capt. Jacob, Stephenson's VA Riflemen

White, James, 9th VA

White, John

White, William   VA

Wickleback aka SQUIRE, Henry, Greenbrier Co., VA militia

Widener, Pvt. Michael, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Wiggans, Capt. Archibald, Rockingham Co., VA militia

Wilkie, Pvt. Edward, 8th PA

Williams, Alexander

Williams, Jeremiah

Williams, Pvt., Remembrance, Hamshire Co., VA militia

Williamson, Capt. Eleazer, militia

Williamson, David

Wilson, Obediah, 8th Pa. Regt.

Winfield, Enoch  VA

Wolfe, Pvt., Adam, Westmoreland Co, PA militia

Woodman, North Carolina Light Dragoons

Workman, Hugh

Workman, James

Wyatt, Ens. Thomas, 8th PA

Wysong, Pvt. Feidt, Berkley Co., VA militia

Wysong, Pvt. Jacob, Berkey Co., VA militia, Drum Major

Yates, Benjamin

Yoakum, Jacob,  VA

Yoho, Pvt. Henry, VA militia

Young, John,  VA



British Soldiers and Allies

Bird, Capt., Henry, King's Eight Regiment of Foot

George, Hendricks, NA

Girty, Simon, British Indian Agent

Hendricks, George

Montour, John, Delaware Indian

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